I Got the Music in Me.
I swear I'm the next statistic for a young adult with A.D.D.. It's sad. Really. My mind is hyper-actively attracted to melodic sounds of the world. I'm siting in class trying to focus, and all of a sudden I hear this amazing tune. I have these amazing short-lived daydreams. I imagine someone beating the drums. I can hear the bass blasting through some big subwoofer, the piano, the strings, all the electronic sounds forming together to accomplish something: music. Is it wrong for me to say that music is a HUGE part of my life? I couldn't live without it. If someone told me that today was the last day of music ever, I would go ahead and jump. It's essential to my mind and spirit. It fills me, and expresses the emotions that I have a hard time speaking about. It's hard to imagine my life, let alone the rest of the world without music. I think we all would still be walking around like dazed barbarians, thinking of words to say at the worst and best times. ...