I Got the Music in Me.

I swear I'm the next statistic for a young adult with A.D.D.. It's sad. Really. My mind is hyper-actively attracted to melodic sounds of the world. I'm siting in class trying to focus, and all of a sudden I hear this amazing tune. I have these amazing short-lived daydreams. I imagine someone beating the drums. I can hear the bass blasting through some big subwoofer, the piano, the strings, all the electronic sounds forming together to accomplish something: music.

Is it wrong for me to say that music is a HUGE part of my life? I couldn't live without it. If someone told me that today was the last day of music ever, I would go ahead and jump. It's essential to my mind and spirit. It fills me, and expresses the emotions that I have a hard time speaking about.
It's hard to imagine my life, let alone the rest of the world without music. I think we all would still be walking around like dazed barbarians, thinking of words to say at the worst and best times. "Worst and best". Those two words could easily be performed in music. You're playing or listening to some jams, the song is slowly fading in. The strings, and trumpet began to embrace you. Next thing you know you fill like your heart is about to explode with words you can't describe. That's the beauty of music. It tells a story, at least the thought-provoking songs do.

It hurts my heart that many mainstream artist unfortunately don't take the time to make something memorizing and heartfelt. It must be the easiest job to let the "gatekeeper" tell you what to sing/ rap/write about, how to dress, and how they pretty much control your whole musical persona. Whatever happened to freedom of speech in music? This is also the reality of what corporate American filters in and out of the industry. Still, I show mad respect to all the artists that are bold enough to be the artists in their own realms of freedom. I promised myself that if I had a career in performing, that I wouldn't change or become some hungry monster, anxious for the fame and money in the entertainment world.

Maybe I do have ADD or whatever. Maybe I daydream too much. Some people say my head is in the clouds, but at least I have dreams. At least i'm inspired to go further with those dreams. These visions are more than just visions. They tell the story of a scene of what I want to become a reality.
There's a non-stop symphony in my head. Everyday I'm constantly hearing harmony and melodic sounds. Hearing the drums bang. Imagining the visual waves a synthesizer can make. My heart beat pumping simultaneously to the rhythm of the bass. It's the rise and fall, the beginning and end. The story of music.


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